I wasn't sure whether to post this video in this subforum, or in the antimustachian wall of shame subforum. There's some good stuff, and some truly facepunch-worthy stuff (in my opinion):
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbMRv19SkXYI find it interesting that the producers of the video didn't include anyone who successfully retired. It seems all these retirees either made some serious missteps--some out of innocent ignorance, some out of apparent poor judgment--or retired with insufficient savings and had major medical issues.
Some good things: understand how to invest, save for retirement early, max out your 401(1) match, avoid debt, hold on to your portfolio, take care of family, put your own mask on first, don't cash out your entire 401(k) at once.
The bad advice: "don't retire early." "work as long as you can" Certainly there is such a thing as "too early" to retire, if you haven't accumulated enough. "you sit around and get bored. Retirement's boring."