My parents started a couple of mutual funds for me when I was young. When I started working, I started contributing to the mutual funds before I started using VTI. One of them is an s&p500. One of them is causing me stress. It is ACRNX. Its valued at 100k but throws off about 20k of long term capital gains per year that get reinvested.
I keep my agi low using 403b/457, but I知 pretty sure I was not eligible for the child tax credit (pre 2018) due to the capital gains.
My parents gave me records with initial cost basis, but I haven稚 kept up with reinvestment costs. I transferred this to my Etrade account a few years ago. I知 not sure if they can help with cost basis.
Should I sell everything and take the tax hit now so I can avoid cap gains in the future? Or stop reinvesting and slowly sell shares yearly depending on my tax situation? I guess I知 confused as to what info I need to get together to decide. I am in the 22% income bracket, so 15% for capital gains.