Well, this is my very first post on the Mustache site, so here goes:
As one who has suffered the trials and tribulations of stock market "investing," Warren Buffet's idea of the "do nothing" investor to invest in index funds is probably the correct way for most people to go. And, that idea doesn't come from Buffet, it comes from his teacher, Benjamin Graham. After reading Graham's book, Security Analysis, for the 5th time, one realizes that Graham states several times in the book that (paraphrased) "...it would be extremely hard for an individual to handle the ups/downs of a market...and, most would buy/sell at the wrong time..." If one does not really understand what one is investing in - whether that is Apple stock, a duplex rental property, a small business, etc. than one would be more likely to panic at the wrong time (whether a moment of despair or ecstasy). And, reading through Graham's book, one finds Buffet's present philosophy w/regards to honest management, the numbers that reveal a great business, etc. As far as the "time" needed to investigate an investment, what does Buffet say? "Become a voracious reader..." If one does not have the time for that, than an individual stock purchase is off-limits. So, (OH NO!) why do I pick individual stocks? I'm no expert, I'm not a genius, and have no "system." Well, because I do like to read those reports...I do like to review the financials (going back 10 years), and so on...now, did I know how to read that stuff 10-15 years ago? Hell no - which is the reason for my first sentence. So, read, read, read, plus a couple of courses in accounting, etc. And, here we are. Finally, I would never tell anyone to buy this or that stock....if someone asked, I would just say "I like them because...." and leave it at that. And, it seems 90%+ on this forum already have the very good habit of setting aside funds for an index fund, and that is better than (sadly) 70%+ of the American population, which is probably some of the best advice. And, helps everyone to keep Buffet's rule #1. This a great forum - and, I'm glad I found the mustache site. :)