Alright, I started this thread and in it I have been cast aside, been called out, been told I’m nothing but a trend follower, market timer and probably many other things; but I don’t care. I’m not trying to earn anyones business, praise or respect; besides I have made 8% this year shorting the market and I only know of myself and horseman capital that have done that, so blast away at me; I can handle the insults as I’m keeping that short open and am likely to make over 10% this year easily.
I’m a capital preservationist and I would think the MMM’ers would be the same. I have gotten some good information from the MMM site, so I am posting this and the original post in this thread to return the favor.
I am posting again now because our local financial guy has now advised to reduce equity exposure to his minimum level that he had in the worst of 2008, 15%; so this is essentially my final and will be last warning.
The average person lost 50% in 2008. If that happens again or you just lose 28%, the average decline in a bear market(which we are right on the edge of and would be in if the market didn’t rally on a record 12% increase in oil in one day), how long is it going to take you to earn it back ?
The market high was 2131, we are now about 14% lower; so for you to get back to even from here the market has to get to 2429 or for the dow it is now 15,973 had would have to get to 20,875 for you to be even. Where do you see that happening this year ? If you see it gaining that much after the decline it has had in 6 weeks, then go ahead; but that’s more optimistic than jp morgan and citigroup advisors.
My minimum advice would be to reduce exposure until we hit the average decline of 28% and then if you want to average it, at least you saved around 15% (although given the economic indicators and the fact that the market has a greater herd mentality than ever before which will give faster and greater losses than anyone predicts in a recession, I’d bet it declines more than 28%).
I’ll give that one resource I mentioned at my first post. He is now going to 15% equity exposure, his maximum reduction of equity exposure in the worst of 2008 and even considering shorting to reduce his equity exposure to zero and every rally this year that he has called has been weaker than he was expecting , so you can be pretty sure we are going much further down than just the 8% that we are down so far this year. If you’re better than a guy who manages over 100 million dollars go ahead and do your own thing. If not you might read his latest newsletter at:
Okay, that’s it. I’m out again. I will come back and eat the biggest crow if by some miracle the current world economic slowdown reverses itself and the market makes a new high this year. If not, I will not be back to give advise until a new recovery has started, which I’d bet my car, does not happen this year.
Best of luck to all of you.