I don't see the following:
FSTVX - Spartan Total Market Index Fund - Advantage class
^this is the one that matches up with Vanguard's VTSAX total market index fund. This is a must as far as I'm concerned to add in. The under 10k buy-in for the same fund at a slightly higher expense ratio is FSTMX (investor class), so might want to check to see if that can also be included.
^ this is a super REIT index fund that is waaaaay cheaper than the one you've got (FRESX) but is a higher minimum buy-in, so would be good to include.
You could also check the Fidelity equivalents of Vanguard funds on this page:
http://www.bogleheads.org/wiki/FidelityThere are generally no transaction fees associated with buying Fido funds in a Fido account, but adding in outside options (like Vanguard) mean there may be transaction fees on top of the management/expense ratio fees, so I personally would be fine with just having Fido funds as long as there were a good variety that match up with Vanguard's offerings (which would be the case if you have the funds above in addition to some from the link, and the ones you've already listed, even though there are several I'd say were absolute dogs on that list).
My work's plan includes the Spartan total stock index thank goodness, but the REIT above (FSRVX) and the FSITX bond fund are my other two that make up the rest of my portfolio.