44 years old, $110k salary, monthly expenses approx $2200
After maxing out 401k, Roth and HSA I have $1500 a month to save...
Currently I am putting $1000 into my Capital One MM account (balance 55k, earning 1.9% interest) and $500 into a taxable account at Vanguard (VTSAX - 0.04 ER, balance 20k).
The purpose of the Capital One account is all around Savings (emergency fund, "maybe" a house down payment sometime down the road etc..). The thing is I have no idea when or if I will even purchase a home. I live in a HCOL area, and renting makes more sense at this point.
My question is should I swap the distribution and put $1000 into the taxable account and $500 into the MM account? Or ignore the MM account entirely for now and do $1500 into taxable each month? I don't know a lot about taxable accts but I think I could use the funds from there someday to help with the house down payment as well. Maybe I am wrong.
Basically, how would you split the $1500? Thanks