Thanks for all the replies. I freely admit that I bungled the Trump Bump, but what's done is done. We can only go forward from here! I've waited this long, I am thinking about waiting for the next election cycle. I think the market is pricing in a Biden/moderate vs Trump runoff, which would lead me to think it's time to start plowing back in … slowly. If Warren were to get the nod, I think the market would be faltering by now. Who knows though.
While money is money, this money is not tied to retirement/inheritance [that is all secured] so I can be a bit riskier with it, aggressive, so my tolerance for risk may be higher than others. I'm 50, wife, no kids, no massive debts, so that affects my rationalizing of market timing. But everyone is right. I could pick a bottom tomorrow that is still higher than if I'd stayed in 3+ years ago. Se la vie.
I am thinking about putting in 1% per week which would give me about two years for things to falter. I'm not trying to pick a bottom but buy into a downdraft that won't seem to come.
Thanks again - I really do appreciate people's thoughts on the matter. They all have their merits. I also enjoy the snark-free zone of this forum. Like sports talk shows and blogs, financial chatrooms can be rife with 'haha bag-holder' childishness.
Happy investing everyone, and good luck and happy Thanksgiving to all!