I work for a company owned by Bell (BCE,
http://finance.yahoo.com/quote/BCE?p=BCE )
We have this company stock program, where I buy 6%'s worth of my annual income in company stock, and they top up with 2% of my annual income.
The way it works is my money (6%) has to be invested for one year for them to put up the 2%. Then that 2% has to stay invested for one year before I can sell without a penalty.
All things considered, the BCE stock is slowly coming to be around 20% of my overall investment portfolio. I'm just wondering if I should be thinking about selling some and reallocating so as to not have all my eggs in the same basket...
My portfolio is a normal Canadian couch potato one, with the company stock sort of like a parallel investment. I'm happy to leave it be because I don't really see Bell going anywhere, and with the 2% top up, I'm basically getting a 33% return if the stock stays the same price and even without counting dividends, which are automatically reinvested.
But like I said, even if right now, I don't have an enormous portfolio, that stock makes up 20% of my stash.
Would you guys leave it as is? Or sell some here and there and reinvest elsewhere? If you would sell, how much, how often, and where would you put it?