This isn't getting off the ground, which is why it is so vaguely worded and short in detail, but for argument sake it looks like it is $3 million+ per person, or $6 million+ for a couple. With all the low hanging fruit, not sure why this would be the place to gain revenue, but I doubt many here would be impacted.
Prohibit Individuals from Accumulating
Over $3 Million in Tax-Preferred Retirement
. Individual Retirement Accounts
and other tax-preferred savings vehicles are
intended to help middle class families save
for retirement. But under current rules,
some wealthy individuals are able to accu
-mulate many millions of dollars in these ac
-counts, substantially more than is needed to
fund reasonable levels of retirement saving.
The Budget would limit an individual’s total
balance across tax-preferred accounts to an
amount sufficient to finance an annuity of
not more than $205,000 per year in retire
-ment, or about $3 million for someone retir
-ing in 2013. This proposal would raise $9
billion over 10 years.