Are you sure on the 2 - 4 years? I am at 94.5% of my peak NW that was a high on Feb 1, 2020. Any point in between is just noise and I didn't worry about stopping anything.
So, what's happening out there in the world of stocks? I wrote down my quarterly AA evaluation on March 1, and my holdings were +$50,000 from my December 1 evaluation. Curious where June 1 is looking.
I did do make a minor mistake when my company cancelled the RRSP match and layed off people and cut out pay and working hours for everyone else by 20%. I dropped my bi-weekly RSP contributions from 50% down to 5% because I'm going to max it out this year. I really should have pumped it up by 5%, but my partner got told she wouldn't be starting her new job April 1, so I kinda freaked out for a bit. I think next pay I'll bump it back up, but it'll be too late for the firesale.
I'm tempted to sell my $21K short term bonds "big emergency" fund in exchange for some equity though. (the "small emergency" fund is $24k cash still, and there's no plan to touch it until July when property taxes are due if she doesn't start working by then)