This company sounds very similar to the LIC's in the Australian market, and what are called closed end funds in the US? Over the last few years I've have a preference for these over ETFs, for the following reasons. In there interest of full disclosure, I've got about $300k of exposure between AFI, MLT, CIN, BKI and SOL in the Aus market.
- They were trading at significant discounts to the value of their assets. If I buy a share for $1, and it holds $1.20 worth of stocks, then you are getting economic exposure to 20% more dividends, than if I put $1 into an index fund/ETF. This continues regardless of any increase/decrease in the size of the discount/premium over time, if a buy and hold investor. Conversely, if trading at a premium, you get less exposure to dividends in the underlying securities than an index fund / etf.
- At the time, discounts were significantly larger than historical norms. This added a potential capital gain if the discount shrunk. Some of these are now actually trading at a premium (I did well, but investing new money now that discounts have shrunk may not).
- The closed end nature means that unlike an index fund or ETF, there can be no rush for redemption and forced realization of sale of assets if people rush for the exits or the entrance. The impact of any rush for the entrance/exit is felt in the stock price, and hence only seen by those buying/selling, rather than impacting those who stay invested. As a long term investor, I prefer this than in a mutual fund (my buy and hold doesn't subsidize the traders).
- A downside of this is that there are often very large unrealized capital gains tax liabilities within these companies. Make sure you get a feel for what this is, and often part of the discount is due to a risk weighting on this unpaid tax. I don't know how the regulatory environment works there, but in the Australian market, LICs must report on the size of their unrealized capital gains tax liability whenever they state their net tangible assets.
- For some of these, the expense ratio is very low (the ones I hold are between 0.1% and 0.2%, which is on par or better than the lowest cost ETFs covering the Aus market.
For me, based upon my analysis, they have been a good investment vehicle. You seem to be well on the way to doing your own due diligence on these - let us know what you decide to do and why.