You can look at four categories of iShares ETFs to see growth vs value, and U.S. vs international.
US growth (IUSG) p/e 26
US value (IUSV) p/e 16
int'l growth (EFG) p/e 21
int'l value (EFV) p/e 11
There's a wide gap (according to etfdb data) between growth and value. There's a smaller gap between U.S. and international. To me, it looks like a good time to ensure you're holding at least 20% international - more if you're comfortable. Note even if the stocks are in the same country as you, you don't have any better chance of predicting their future performance. So the "home country bias" is a bit of an illusion, based on familiarity.
That said, China and U.S. have been very comparable in performance the past 3 years:
MCHI (MSCI China) +48% over 3 years
IVV (MSCI S&P 500) +49% over 3 years
Stock performance tends to be more volatile than bond performance, which means diversifying to international ETFs or mutual funds is more important than diversifying bonds.