Hi guys. New here, but a blog follower of a couple years. I searched a little while and didn't easily find an answer to this question (though I'm sure someone has posted it), so I'll start it fresh.
I'm 25 and dutifully contributing the max to my SIMPLE IRA and Roth IRA, and along with company matching 3%, I'll dump $19k into retirement accounts in 2013. I have a pretty decent financial adviser, and doing the math, I can see myself retiring in 15 years. However, what I'll be able to take off of this at 40 using SEPP would be only a little more than what I currently spend (inflation adjusted, of course), assuming that the reasonable percentage will be similar to the 1.3% it is today. I currently spend around $20k/annually, so the adjusted amount for a different lifestyle with similar spending should be fine. Yet I would much rather pull in the 4% withdrawal, especially if I'm bringing in a 7-10% (after inflation) gain annually. Retirement, for me, means (cheap) travel and pursuing hobbies, and once the money is there, I'm not feeling MMM enough to not use it just to prove a point.
What I'm wondering is, for the early retiree, is it more sensible?
- Pump primary investments into IRAs and then hope that the ~1.3% granted by 72(t) exemption will be enough
- Max the SIMPLE for the lower tax bracket and company match, but ditch the Roth for unrestricted assets
- Avoid both and invest all post-tax in order to have complete control (but eat the capital gains)
- Other options...
Thoughts, gents? I want to figure this out before I spend over a decade investing incorrectly.