Author Topic: Took the Investing Plunge Today Canada!  (Read 1637 times)

Getting there!

  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Took the Investing Plunge Today Canada!
« on: January 29, 2016, 03:30:59 PM »
It’s been a while getting everything set up with a discount brokerage and transferring the funds to be able to invest, but today was the day.  I was tempted to make the trades over the phone and pay the increased costs, but with some telephone coaching I made the transactions on my own.  I would really appreciate any feedback on my allocations.

For a little background, in my RRSP I had $55,000 available in cash for investing and $120,000 is in laddered GICs with a longtime financial adviser.  I put the maximum in a RDSP (Registered Disability Savings Plan) prior to year-end of $200,000 which was in cash. Withdrawals of approximately $8,500 (according to regulated formula) have to start this year as I will be age 60.  Currently there is $20,000 in cash but I will wait until income tax is done as I may need to withdraw some to pay possible taxes from a capital gain in 2015.

Our home and vehicle is paid for and we can meet our monthly obligations from current pension/benefit incomes. My husband (71) has just started withdrawing from a RRIF of approximately $100,000 at a rate for this year of 3.3% based on my age of 59)

So my investments to date are:
RRSP ($172,000)
Laddered GICs  $117,447 ($48,500 will mature this year to invest in stocks)
Money Market $6,945
VXC  $47,932
Cash $484
I won’t start withdrawing until age 71 in 12 years.

RDSP ($200,000)
Cash $89,714
VXC $10,178
VCN $99,973
Planning to invest cash to VAB/VSB next week

Vacation Home ($300,000)
Currently listed and we hope to realize approximately $300,000 that will be available for investment into the market or to purchase a condo and top up TFSAs for husband and I.

Other cash ($80,000)
I will inherit approximately $80,000 later this year and it will also be available for investing.


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Re: Took the Investing Plunge Today Canada!
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2016, 12:25:06 PM »
Looks good based on your risk tolerance. (I believe you identified 50/50 as your target in another thread).

I'm assuming most of your maturing GICs will go into VXC to target stocks 25% Canada + 25% International?