I am nearing FIRE (well, I'm FI just not RE yet). Age 51. I have about 30% of my assets in tax deferred accounts the rest in taxable accounts and real estate. My target for the non-real estate portion of my stache to be 75% stock, 20% bond, 5% cash. I've got some allocation work to do to get there, and I was thinking about not only the allocation situation but which accounts are allocated which ways.
It occurs to me that while I was in accumulation phase, the bond component of my assets should have been in the tax deferred accounts while the stock component should have been in taxable, but when I retire I want the more stable piece to be available so I should have bonds in the taxable accounts. Basically, if I retire tomorrow and the market tanks in September again, I'd want to be in a position to be living off of bonds more than having to sell the stocks. Does this make sense?