Looks like you have a vacant building on a street full of empty boarded up buildings next to a vacant lot.
Actually this building is located on one of the hottest streets in DC (and even the country). If you wanted to pick a place to invest in real estate, this is exactly the place and time to do it.
Do you have the knowledge to properly analyze this investment (the risk vs reward, specifically, and actually be able to accurately compute numbers for those)?
I don't. I basically am interested in just throwing in a few hundred dollars as an experiment/for fun to see how it goes. Also, I like the opportunity of investing in my community, even if it's just a tiny share (that of course, is the whole idea behind crowdfunding!) It's like the real estate version of Prosper.com or Lending Club. I'd be investing a small enough amount that if I were to lose the entire amount of investment, it'd be no problem. I just want to make sure that I don't enter any sort of legal obligation that gets me into something I don't want.
Thanks for asking this question! I live in DC and have been looking at Fundrise and was thinking the same thing. I really like the idea of investing in my community, and the potential opportunity to use what I learned in my grad-school course on real estate finance. But the fact there's no way to sell your stake down the line is the reason I don't see myself jumping anytime soon. Hopefully they will figure out a way to do that down the line?
Yea, it's a great idea and I'm really excited about it! I, too, have the same reservation though. Where in DC do you live?