Author Topic: So it looks like Trump is about to win?  (Read 17371 times)


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Re: So it looks like Trump is about to win?
« Reply #50 on: November 12, 2016, 01:33:49 PM »
You might be projecting. Not everyone assumes that disagreement = bigotry.

Everyone?  Of course not.  The poster who accused democrats of being divisive because they haven't all fallen in line behind Trump?  That person is being a little hypocritical.

Also, it seems strange to have a southern border immigration control policy that is less strict than that which is enforced in both Canada and Mexico.

WTF?  Our southern border is WAY more tightly controlled than what either Canada or Mexico have.  In some places, you can drive into Canada without even slowing down.  The US spends billions of dollars per year on border security, far more than what Canada and Mexico spend put together.  Obama forcibly deported more immigrants in 8 years than every previous US President deported in the entire 20th century combined.  I think our border control policy is more strict than every border on Earth not currently involved in a war.  Even the fucking Israelis let Palestinians into their country.

I know that doesn't fit Trump's narrative.  He convinced people that Obama was actually welcoming terrorists into the country, rather than deporting illegal immigrants at a record pace.  News flash: Trump lied to you.  He lied to you about the border just like he lied to you about manufacturing jobs and Obama's birth certificate and virtually everything else.  He's a professional con man who has spent his entire life getting rich by robbing America, and this is going to be his most profitable con yet. 

I'm really trying to see the bright side here.  He might not just rubber stamp everything Mitch McConnel and Paul Ryan want to do.  He might actually try to improve health insurance.  He might help the Republicans actually work toward something, rather than just against everything.  But so far, everything he's done has been accomplished by dividing America, not making it stronger.  He successfully stoked racist fear of brown people to turn out the white vote.  He publicly insulted veterans and their families, minorities, disabled people, women.  His entire convention was about how Americans need to hate and fear each other.  He represents everything America is supposed to stand against, so I'm really struggling to see the bright side of this election. 


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Re: So it looks like Trump is about to win?
« Reply #51 on: November 12, 2016, 02:00:32 PM »
Well stated Sol, although don't hold your breath on a reasonable rebuttal. I've started trying to keep track of things Trump supporters completely ignore or create rather ludicrous justifications for in these threads, presumably because they cause too much cognitive dissonance. Much easier to continue with the "bla bla Bill was a misogynist too, bla bla emails, she's a warmonger, bla bla, democrats are hypocrites for protesting," etc.).

1) Explicit audio quotes from their candidate where he race-baits, condones violence, dehumanizes women, insults veterans, etc., etc.
1a) Related evidence that hate groups worldwide are celebrating the election and already making some moves to more publicly practice their loathsome views.
2) Any discussion of Trump's top advisors and potential cabinet appointees (most of whom are the worst kind of extremists) and the fact that Trump has made statements to the effect that he will give them (especially Pence) unusual authority.
3) Inarguable evidence (as mentioned by Sol) that Obama has done better (worse, from my perspective) than any past president on things like harsh measures towards terrorism (hooray drones!), strict illegal immigration controls, etc.

I'm sure I'm missing plenty, but as an open challenge to Trump supporters who managed to read this without their brain exploding, please feel free to rebut thoughtfully.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2016, 02:09:15 PM by Lagom »


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Re: So it looks like Trump is about to win?
« Reply #52 on: November 15, 2016, 09:14:09 PM »
Here is an interesting perspective from Ray Dalio about Trump (from Bridgewater Capital, a very large hedge fund if you are unaware). Not a big fan of active management, but I do believe Dalio has a strong understanding of how the economic system and how government and fiscal policy influence it.

He predicts "1) decreasing globalization, free trade, and global connectedness, 2) aggressively stimulative fiscal policies, and 3) increased US growth, higher inflation, and rising bond yields."

The full article is here any thoughts?:


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Re: So it looks like Trump is about to win?
« Reply #53 on: November 15, 2016, 09:37:53 PM »
Here is an interesting perspective from Ray Dalio about Trump (from Bridgewater Capital, a very large hedge fund if you are unaware). Not a big fan of active management, but I do believe Dalio has a strong understanding of how the economic system and how government and fiscal policy influence it.

He predicts "1) decreasing globalization, free trade, and global connectedness, 2) aggressively stimulative fiscal policies, and 3) increased US growth, higher inflation, and rising bond yields."

The full article is here any thoughts?:

Didn't read the article (sorry), but your summary is essentially just the prevailing wisdom of market participants at the moment, which makes me think that at least one of the predictions won't play out long term.


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Re: So it looks like Trump is about to win?
« Reply #54 on: November 17, 2016, 06:51:13 PM »
I agree it's very likely one or many of those predictions will be wrong. If you look at other predictions Ray Dalio has made he is often wrong and often right, but none the less I know he is more knowledgeable about macro economics than me so its interesting to hear what he has to say.

Heres another interesting perspective from Bill Gross on the whole thing. He expects long term return on equities to be 3-5% for the next while as " The Wall Street, finance-led hegemon is fading. The Populist sunrise has barely broken the horizon.":


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