Well stated Sol, although don't hold your breath on a reasonable rebuttal. I've started trying to keep track of things Trump supporters completely ignore or create rather ludicrous justifications for in these threads, presumably because they cause too much cognitive dissonance. Much easier to continue with the "bla bla Bill was a misogynist too, bla bla emails, she's a warmonger, bla bla, democrats are hypocrites for protesting," etc.).
1) Explicit audio quotes from their candidate where he race-baits, condones violence, dehumanizes women, insults veterans, etc., etc.
1a) Related evidence that hate groups worldwide are celebrating the election and already making some moves to more publicly practice their loathsome views.
2) Any discussion of Trump's top advisors and potential cabinet appointees (most of whom are the worst kind of extremists) and the fact that Trump has made statements to the effect that he will give them (especially Pence) unusual authority.
3) Inarguable evidence (as mentioned by Sol) that Obama has done better (worse, from my perspective) than any past president on things like harsh measures towards terrorism (hooray drones!), strict illegal immigration controls, etc.
I'm sure I'm missing plenty, but as an open challenge to Trump supporters who managed to read this without their brain exploding, please feel free to rebut thoughtfully.