Does (or did) anyone else have a bunch of small investments everywhere?
What I am talking about is $1000-$5000 in RRSPs (kinda like a 401k or IRA) at the bank(s) that are in whatever I purchased based on the "advisor" that year.
In my 20's all I knew, as a perpetual student, is that I should not amass debt and I should save something. So I did and made very cautious GIC (like a CD usually 5y) investment decisions.
The last ~5 years has been aggressive mtg pay-off! Double-down, annual top-up & Bouya! Now mtg free, I think that was the best decision since I suck(ed) at “investing”. There were of course a few more dinky RRSP/TFSA (401k/RothIRA) contributions as I got that Feb 20th guilt every year. After finding MMM and couchpotato I am ready to really invest.
saving ≠ investing
I am now learning the ways of Vanguard etf and know what a MER is. I have a Direct investing account and plan to do my own work.
I basically have 12 little things at 3 banks. RRSP, TFSA, Un-reg, containing GIC, mutual funds, stocks, cash totaling ~50K
It is frustrating waiting for these things to mature and then the costs are $100 to move an RRSP to another bank. Although I would like to simplify, paying $100 to move $1000, or even $5000, seams face punch worthy.
I hope I am not the only person with this "problem" and I would love to see how others have dealt with this.
I say "problem" because I have always known these funds are here but inflation has probably been eating at most of them. On the positive side, adding them all up is better than finding $20 in your winter jacket in October :)