There's less discussion about the Roth here because many in this community have concluded that pre-tax retirement accounts are much more efficient for saving. This is because the tax at the MARGINAL (i.e. highest) rate is deferred on 401(K) contributions, to be paid later as the AVERAGE rate.
That is, unfortunately, a common misconception.
When deciding on traditional vs. Roth for a given year, one should compare marginal tax saving rate for that year vs. expected future marginal tax rate on withdrawals due to that year's contribution.
E.g., if one does not make a traditional contribution in a given year, there will still be income and tax due when taking withdrawals in retirement, correct? Thus, any additional traditional contribution will be withdrawn on top of that, and taxed at the future marginal rate.
Traditional versus Roth - Bogleheads for more.
The answer still comes out "use traditional" in most cases, but not all.