Author Topic: Robo-advisers face first reckoning in downturn - Investment News 8/24/15  (Read 1763 times)


  • Bristles
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Robo-advisers face first reckoning in downturn
Market volatility shows importance of communication as robos look to get out in front of nervous clients

Only 17% of clients at Betterment checked their balances over the weekend, no more than a typical weekend.  Seems encouraging.

One interesting comment is that TDAmeritrade and Scottrade reported having delays due to the high trading volume and market volatility.  That would make a big difference if someone wanted to 'buy low' in the first few minutes of trading this morning.


  • Handlebar Stache
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They sure did. Scottrade gave me problems logging on. I just wanted to watch live action not do anything yet. I got an email from Robinhood apologizing for some issue I didn't see.

New theory. Watson is making a killing by shorting unit stop losses are triggered then buying low.

Just kidding but there is some machine foul play overwhelming servers.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2015, 09:41:47 PM by mrpercentage »


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Robo-advisers face first reckoning in downturn - Investment News 8/24/15
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2015, 10:12:24 PM »
It makes it very easy not to panic on days like today when Betterment sends you emails reporting $780 in tax loss harvesting.

Just an amazing behavioral bonus. I have absolutely no urge to tweak a thing in my taxable accounts.