As long as we keep clicking, they keep getting paid. Doesn't even matter what they write at this point.
NoScript. 'Cos server hits don't count.
I use ScriptBlock, but the number of sites (especially news sites) that just completely don't work, AT ALL, without Javascript is staggering. Then another big chunk kind of work but are painful.
I usually end up allowing the actual site (e.g., and and the image servers, cdn.*.com. I disallow ad.*.com, optimizely, google analytics, and anything else that I dont recognize. That takes care of a lot of the site counters and marketing networks.
Currently, for CNN, I have just '' as trusted. It displays fine and I can read articles (videos don't work but I prefer reading news anyway).
But, yeah, sometimes I need to access a full site. I use another another browser for those situations.