People who have money will always be able to save more than people who do not, regardless of the laws. Laws like the 401k deduction exist to incentivize behavior that is good for society. We really do want people to save for their own retirement so that they're not a burden on society in the future. Pensions are bad because the workers are completely dependent on the company to make good decisions and not go bankrupt (also because they restrict freedom and mobility and lock you into working for the same company for ~20 years). The industry changes or the company made a few bad decisions and goes bankrupt? Whoops, your lifetime of work and "paying into" the pension evaporates overnight (happened to my grandfather). 401k / IRA gives people control over their own destiny with their own money, but they also require a little more personal responsibility. That's a very conservative change from pensions in-and-of itself, and one I'm personally very happy to see. But we already know from direct experience given society's current saving's rate that it's not enough of an incentive to really solve the societal retirement problem.
There were some really good points in here. I just want to say that.
Whenever I hear complaints about the rich, and the middle class, and their tax shelters, I have to just sigh. It feels, sometimes, like people think it's magic.
I started putting money into an IRA, whatever I could squeak together, at 22.
I started putting money into a 401k, whatever I could squeak together, as soon as I got out of the military, at 27.
Fast forward 20 years, marriage, spouse getting a job, raises, promotions (though for me, not great ones), two kids. Of course we are maxing out our 401k's because that's how we are. It wasn't magic, it took discipline for 25 years. (For the record, because we pay AMT, I doubt we get a huge 401k benefit on our taxes).
But I think people in my income range need to pay more taxes. I've said it many times. If by paying more taxes, it means my friends can get health care/ insurance, I'll pay more taxes.