PMI could change the decision significantly, if you have it.
More generally, it is 1 grand and you're saving it not spending it so do whatever is more fun :)
Forgot about PMI.. I think that makes the decision a little easier. At least NW increases either way!
Good luck. I should say, do understand the risk/expected reward of each option and all the math etc., and don't make bigger money decisions based (solely) off of emotion. Having an IPS and being able to answer "I will deploy funds in accordance with my IPS" to this question every single time a spare dollar presents itself is the
right answer. Regardless of what you do today I would encourage you to build this so you can use cold, hard math to answer these questions and weigh emotions appropriately when you're not in a place where you want to make an immediately available decision. Lots of threads here about paying off your mortgage early or not to weigh in against your personal risk tolerance.
But, your choice today is like: having an expected stash value of 1.205 million dollars or 1.208 million dollars in 10 years because of a one-off thing, so don't sweat it too much.