I am wondering if the funds I slected in my 457b are a rough approximation of a total stock marker index fund. I checked the investment order and am now wondering if my overall plan is appropriate or if I should adjust to more closely match the order.
First of all I am in step 4/5 of the Investment Order (US):
4. Max Traditional IRA or Roth (or backdoor Roth) based on income level
5. Max 401k (if
- 401k fees are lower than available in an IRA, or
- you need the 401k deduction to be eligible for (and desire) a tIRA deduction, or
- you earn too much for an IRA deduction and prefer traditional to Roth, then
swap #4 and #5)
I am using a 457b and not a 401k. There is no employer match. I am planning to put $6,000 into the 457b through pretax payroll deductions. My thinking here is that the pretax deduction lowers the amount of money I pay to payroll taxes. I intend to put 4-12k into our tIRAs in June 2021 mostly from 2020 tax return.
I wonder now if I should keep this plan or focus on filling the tIRA contributions during the year, maxing them out and then using anything else I am able to save (from tax return) towards front loading 2021 457b contributions. I don't get the impression that there is going to be a most optimized way to do this and think my current plan might be the simplest since the 457b dedcutions are automatic.
Then, assuming I continue my plan to contribute to both 457b and tIRA and neither to the max, the question is if the following funds and percentages are roughly approximate to VTSAX. I kind of want to drop the T. Rowe Price low cap fund because of it's higher ER.
VINIX 40% (large Cap Index) ER = 0.04%
VMCIX 20% (mid cap index) 0.04%
OTIIX 20% (T. Rowe Price small cap fund) 0.76%
VTMNX 20% (FTSE index replicant) 0.05%
I know international funds wouldn't be in VTSAX, but it seemed like a good option.