Wow, that's a lot of responses! Where to begin...
First, I had a pretty good idea what the responses were going to be in regards to not knowing if now is a good time to get into VTSAX because the market is so high. And I did pay attention to JL Collins and I even read his blog on this exact question. After doing more reading of forum posts, I'm glad I'm not the only one who questions it, lol. I'll be opening an account.
Second, maybe I should have added what my goals are. To start out with, I absolutely love my job (yeah, no joke). I'm not wanting to get serious about saving and investing money to escape...I would say, more accurately, it's so I have the option some day as we do not know what tomorrow will bring. At the very least, I'd like to retire early. Or, worst case scenario, things start happening at work that I don't like, I can quit without having to worry about how I'm going to get by. Although, I'm an electrician by trade so work is pretty easy to find...I wasn't looking for this job when it found me :)
As far as expenses go, a pretty big chunk will be freed up when my truck is payed off and I plan on driving it till it dies. I rarely go out to eat (maybe once every three months if even that), I've had the same phone for three years (because it still works, why would I buy a new phone?), etc. Any "splurge" money I spend goes toward hobbies that give me things to do when I'm not working or hanging out with friends or family. I think listening to JL Collins book made me start thinking about all the money I squandered before I bought my house three years ago. While I did save some money, I could have done so much better.
You have all given me a lot to think about. I'm going to look into the backdoor Roth and I'll open an after tax Vanguard account and start buying VTSAX. Thanks for all your replies/time!