Hi, it's me again :D
As this is my first investment, but a strategy I want to follow in the long run, I am trying to do it right and choose the best option.
(it also seems there isn't a good option [like in the USA where you just drop everything in vanguard], you just have to choose between the least bad)
I know I won't be investing large sums, it's likely to be 1.5k each year (apart at the beginning where it is around 8-9k). I also want to keep investing what I can overtime, and I also want to apply dollar-cost-averaging (if possible).
As it is now, I have researched around and I found that I have 2 major options for investing, truewealth.ch and swissquote.
Swissquote: in order to invest in the portfolio of ETF I want, I would need to pay around 20 CHF for each transaction. Then also 0.025% quarterly of fees, in addition to the cost of the ETFs themselves (but these are very low). This mean that I would need to invest at least 4k to make the 20CHF for each transaction worth it. But I have a lot more options for ETFs, including hedged ones.
truewealth: for a little bit more of TER (it's 0.5% p.a.) with truewealth I can invest even small sums, applying DCA. I don't pay any fee for investing, only the 0.5% p.a. So I can invest 100-200 each month, every month, which is great DCA. But, with truewealth I have a smaller choice of ETFs, but the biggest problem is that to have domestic stocks (us) and international stocks, I would need to invest in USD, they do not offer CHF-hedged versions of the investment.
So my options are:
- invest without using DCA, only 1 time every 3-4 year, but have currency-hedged ETFs.
- invest by applying DCA (which I know is crucial for me, it helps me confront market crashes without pulling everything out), but incur in currency risk.
My investment horizon (planned) is ~15 years.
What is the best options, or even better, are there any other options, given what I said above (investing 100-200 each month)?
Thanks a lot again :)