Hi all. 33 yo w/ wife, 2 kids, committed financial suicide all through my 20's and now just waking up. Spent the last 5 years building a business. I'm finally making money on it. In 2015, my income was $50,000, this year, I'm projected to make $90,000 (my income, not the biz). We are a SINGLE INCOME family. Moving from LA to Dallas this year for cheaper COL, real estate, and business climate! But should I start investing right this second?
VTSMX is basically at its highest in a very long time! I've never invested a cent outside of the Roth IRA's I setup this year, and I am essentially clueless. Is it wise to buy in right now? I want to learn!
The big issue: My wife and I have $80,000 of student loan debt that we need to pay off.
What are your thoughts? I am just now getting completely fuckin serious about my financial future and I want to do the best by my family. Can you help?