Hello fellow mustachios.
I'm looking for advice on how to best save for a downpayment of commercial real estate for my small business. We've been in business seven years now and are currently leasing space through the end of 2019. I'm looking to purchase and possibly renovate a commercial zoned property in my area for a purchase price of $200K - $300K.
What financial product is best to maximize the money I put into the account with this time line of 2-3 years? I will need to purchase ahead of lease ending.
Also, are you aware of good resources available on buying a commercial property.
In my personal finances I've already got the full-every-year IRA, HSA, Vanguard index funds brokerage, and I my own home on a 15 year @3%.
Please let me know what more information you'd like to know and anything you consider to be valuable advice, good books, websites, etc.
Thanks for your time, -kyle