This said, I noticed I have an impressive track record of beating the market in the last three years:

This is my "fun" account, approximately 15% of my total assets.
Over performance is mainly based on two things:
1 bought a lot of Amazon with an average buying price of $330
2 bought energy stocks on the way down
What I would not like to mention is that I sold Amazon on average at $550, missing on a ton of gains.
While I am against market timing, I will sometimes buy some very solid companies after an unusual drop.
I was able to almost catch the bottom on DD (DuPont), bought at $49, for example.
Those I usually hold forever except when valuations become stupid (i.e. Amazon that now is worth more than Walmart).
Possibly just luck (I was lagging the market for a while), but I think being contrarian can pay off at times, and if you buy only / mostly huge established companies the risk of getting hurt are very low.
My holdings include stuff like PG, RDS, PFE, WMT, etc