Staying disciplined, especially if you're a buy and holder, is extremely difficult in the face of losing 40% or more of your net worth.
Actually, I'd contend that a 'buy and holder' is exactly the investor that
does face a crash without doing something stupid like selling at a bottom. That's what gives them the 'hold' part of the name.
No one can guarantee when the next recession comes,-
And that understanding probably should've just told you everything you need to know. If not, maybe just change the can't 'guarantee' to an even clearer can't 'know' when a recession will hit.
Sorry, but this has been addressed a million times already. Short term predictions are purely guessing games 'cuz they don't follow much logic or any real discernible pattern.
The concept of 'dry powder' had also been addresses a ridiculous amount of times here. Statistically, it probably won't work to much or any advantage (unless you happen to get lucky), so investing 'the earlier, the better' is typically the best strategy rather than sitting on cash waiting for the next perfect opportunity to arise (meaning: timing the bottom of a big crash).
And I say this as someone who pulled out some money I needed when the market was still high early in the year, and put some that got saved up back in at the exact very lowest point late in the year. Just happened to get lucky twice, and in the big picture it really didn't add up to much.
No one would've been surprised by a crash in '15 either, but instead it kept going up, and then came down a good bit, came back up some, down a little, and ended pretty much dead flat. All we know is '16 won't be the same 'cuz the market never does the same thing two years in a row (though, it still