Got distracted by other things (my flaky ex says he is moving to Florida, which may or may not be true and would cause havoc with my domestic arrangements--good times).
Anyway, I did go on and fully fund my Roth. Woot! Impulse investing!
For now, I am keeping the rest in cash. My fiance's car is at 180K and I think combined we have more like a 1-2 month emergency fund than 3-6, so I may have use for the cash even if we do not immediately buy.
I would put off a home purchase for at least a couple of years, and fully invest the entire balance in a tax-advantaged account like a Roth, as mentioned.
1) Denver housing is obnoxiously expensive. Have you done a rent vs. buy calculation?
2) You are just getting married and will have enough stress and adjustments to make without the burden of a home purchase and all that debt.
I haven't, but I will when it gets closer.
I don't want to wait too long because we're living on the wrong side of town from our jobs, and also an area that we just don't like that much. My kids go to school over here. We'd like to move parts of town and it would be fine to change their school--ONCE. I don't think I should move them unless we are buying a house. Otherwise, we would be limiting our house-buying radius to "near their school." My kids have been jerked around a lot.
Thanks for the advice, guys. Good problem to have :-).