we are about to build a house, and plan to keep our current home as rental property.
We have about 60K$ mortgage on our home, with 8 years remaining at 2.75% fixed.
The new house will cost 240K$, and we can take the entire amount as mortgage 3% for 15 years (we own the building lot, and the bank will let us use its value instead of cash downpayment). so if we wanted to we don't have to pay a single dollar for the new house, and put it all into the new mortgage.
We have about 60K$ available that we could either invest in a taxable account (would go into VTSAX and stay there for many years) or use to lower the new mortgage. Most of the interest was already paid on the 60K$ mortgage, so I would not pay that one. Also at this point we will not be selling the current house because it's in good shape and rent goes very high here, higher than mortgage payment.
I'm not happy about taking a big mortgage, but I would like to keep some reserves and invest long term. What would you sugest in this situation? How much for downpayment and how much if any for investing?