Wow great response thanks.
I guess the key is treating your rental similar to a stock or bond: Would you buy it in today's condition and price point? No I would not buy it today, its up 150k-175K from purchase price. So buying the property today would seriously eat into monthly profit. Property is by the beach in SoCal so I have absolutely no problem renting it.
If yes, keep, if no, sell, and invest somewhere else (after considering tax and selling/purchasing cost implications, of course).
Additionally, what about your personal factors: Numbers aside, what are the goals you want to reach with your investment and what is your time horizon?
Goals are too maximize return on investment. I think selling and investing in the market would probably provide a better return going forward.
Did you enjoy landlording so far or was it rather a nuisance?
I don't mind it, not my favorite but it's ok.
What is your risk appetite and experience with the stock market? I like the stock market, enjoy the risk and return.
Thanks again for response I'll look at the spreadsheets etc.