The top 7 stocks in QQQ account for 50% of its allocation. These have averaged 38% returns while QQQ has averaged 23%.
Over what time period? I'd suggest looking at each year's performance, comparing those 7 funds with the QQQ. Then you will see how the performance varies over several years.
Another approach is 2x leveraged QQQ calls. QQQ is $372 as of yesterday, so you might buy $185 strike calls expiring Dec 2022. If that costs $192.50, that's like having 1.94x leverage. Keep in mind leverage cuts both ways - you can lose twice as much as buying the QQQ, or gain twice as much.
It's worth keeping in mind that last year was ideal for tech companies. People shopped on Amazon (malls closed), watched Netflix (theaters closed), held meetings online (Docusign wins), etc. So when you measure performance, don't weight 2020 performance that heavily, because it's unlikely to repeat.