So, I've been contemplating opening up a traditional IRA and contributing to that instead of my Roth. Here's the rough low-down.
My MAGI for 2014 was 73,001, and I'm single. I currently am enrolled in my employer's SIMPLE IRA plan, and I expect my MAGI to be roughly the same next year. Taking into consideration the phase-out limits on deducting Trad IRA contributions from taxes, it looks like I won't be able to deduct any Trad IRA contributions because my MAGI is above the 61,000-71,000 phase-out range. I don't see a way to be able to reduce my MAGI any more this coming year.
Since I can't get the tax deduction, is it worth it for me to contribute to a Trad IRA? Basically, my thought process is that since I can't get a deduction for it, then I'm effectively contributing after-tax money to it. Since Trad IRA's are pre-tax, my money would then be taxable once I take it out, all of it... Am I correct, or am I missing something?