First post on the forums! A little about me for context:
Age 32, male, $25k in the 401k, $180k in savings, $90k/year salary. My wife has a similar salary and considerably more in savings/401k. We're both looking to start investing and seeking FIRE. The only big anti-MMM/FIRE decision we might be making in the short term is buying a house. The wife really wants a house. Otherwise, I think we do a good job of cutting our costs really low and saving a large portion of our earnings.
I'm looking to go 100% into equities, probably VTSAX, to ensure the highest rate of growth and because I believe I have the fortitude to weather any downturns confident in the knowledge that it will rebound if I'm simply patient enough. I'm putting away 15% into my 401k on top of that which is in a Vanguard target retirement fund which is roughly 90/10 stocks to bonds and seems to roughly mirror VTSAX's performance. My question as the title implies is what type of account to hold all that VTSAX in?
From what I understand, I couldn't dump all of that into an IRA even if I wanted to. It has a set maximum amount I can add monthly. Additions to it are tax deductible so in the long run it would save a lot of money. The trade off being that I couldn't touch that money until I'm 59.5 without penalty unless I go through some fancy process (detailed at the top of this forum actually). So I was thinking to just dump all the money into a taxable account with VTSAX (maybe 10% in VBTLX) and call it done, keep it simple. Would I be shooting myself in the foot hard by doing this?