It's not just to minimize fees, it's also because most of us view them as totally unnecessary. You can do everything you need on your own with just a little learning.
So with that in mind, I feel the only point an advisor makes sense is when you have money lying round that you want to give to someone that provides no additional value than you could get on your own. You should be willing to be as little as possible to get that valueless advice.
What might make sense for you given what you'd like to get is a fee only financial coach who will answer questions you need and only charge you for the time you use. Determining if the person is trustworthy in the case when they are not doing any investing for you, which any coach would not be licensed to do, just involves the same process you determine if you trust anyone. In the end a coach provides advice and answers questions but them you go do what you want. You can find trustworthy advice at asset management companies but just like insurance salesman, they are unlikely to tell you to go buy a competitors product when it comes time to invest in something, i.e. Vanguard will not say "go buy a Fidelity index". That said, neither will a coach. They'll help you understand how to select a fund, go over management fees and how to find the number and tell you to look for the lowest one you can find. You'll see most advice here, mine included, is go with Vanguard or Fidelity for lowest cost.
The first response you got was excellent, to spend time here for a while before you go hiring anyone. You may be surprised how quickly you come to realize that this stuff is not that hard. I've been debating myself for years on becoming a coach but always stop because I feel it is so easy to impart that knowledge that there would be no repeat clients. Others pointed out that due to lack of follow through or laziness that would not be true because people always need refreshers or more hand holding and accountability partners, but I'd not be teaching them a whole lot more just repeating the same lessons over and over until they stuck and did not need me anymore.