I was wondering if I could get some advice for my mom. My dad passed away in December and his pension and the bulk of their Social Security ended, so she needs to transition to living off of their investments. She has more than enough to get by - I'd just like a sanity check on next steps for investing it and tapping it going forward.
Current assets:
- Retirement accounts: $360k (mix of index funds and bonds)
- Stocks: $450k (mostly IBM - Dad was a 30+ year IBMer and participated in their employee stock program from the start)
- Cash: $875k (life insurance and another recent inheritance)
- House: ~$500k (paid off)
- Social Security: $8400
- MRDs from retirement accounts: $33k
- Dividends from stock: $12k
Her expenses are under $50k/year, so the income she's forced to take through the SS, MRDs and dividends covers it.
I think reasonable next steps would be:
1. Decide on an asset allocation that makes sense for her, e.g. 60% stocks, 30% bonds, 10% cash
2. Invest the bulk of the cash in VTSAX and VTBLX to achieve the overall above mix
Does this make sense? Going forward, if she needs additional funds would it then make sense to draw on the VTSAX/VTBLX first because they'd have the highest cost basis? She gets a half-step in basis for the IBM stock, but much of it would still realize significant gains. As much as I'd like to convert it to VTSAX I don't think it makes sense to sell at this point; plus it generates good dividends.
Anything obvious (or not so) I'm overlooking?