A small parable from the life of Spork...
Many, many years ago, I thought I was pretty smart and savvy. I was working in IT and exposed to new/creative things by vendors on a day-to-day basis. I saw and worked with quite a few things that were just damn good products. This. This is what I should be investing in. And so, since I was "smarter" than Ms Spork (let's call her Keira Knifely, shall we?)... that's where we put our money.
And guess what? It turns out that in a whole lot of cases, what is "good" in my such-an-expert-eyes, isn't necessarily good business. We didn't quite lose our shirts, but Keira politely said, "Ahem. Do you mind if I invest based on business principles?"
"Oh sure, if you're so smart, go right ahead, missy!"
And... from that point forward most investment was handled by Kiera. The vast majority was put into non-thinking index funds. But, to keep things exciting, a small percentage was put into various single stocks. Almost 20 years later, the Vanguard funds have returned a very livable and safe 8.5%. The "fun" funds have returned 15.5%.
The moral(s) here:
* Maybe the Parnassus Funds are awesome. But evaluate them on their bottom line. Do not focus on other factors. You are not driving the market by investing in what you agree with unless you're buying at the IPO and/or attending and speaking at the annual meetings.
* Yes, you can out-perform a slow-and-steady set of Vanguard index funds... but there is risk involved. And I'm pretty sure some amount of luck.
* Keira Knifely is awesome and should not be doubted.