I work at a state agency and max out my 457 (b), my ira, and my hsa every year and have a few thousand left for after tax investments. I know some government agencies offer a 457(b) and 401(k) so people can put 36,000 away pre-tax. Mine does not, and I was always under the impression that in order to take advantage of separate contribution limits of the 401(k) and 457(b) I would need to start a business and then the money earned by that business could be contributed to a solo 401 (k) and therefore avoid taxes on it. I have a coworker that claims the tax code simply states if you have earned income in the business you can contribute to the solo 401 k, even using my salary from the government work. Like say I make 100k from my government job and $10 from my business can I deduct 18000 from my salary by funding the 401 (k) solo even though that is way more money than my business earned? I suspect not but I could not find a definitive answer by googleing or scanning irs.gov. I figured plenty of people on this forum know the answer off the top of their head and where to locate it so thanks for helping me out!