Do you know of a good website or short video that is very basic to help someone who has never saved for retirement understand the importance of it and how it works? My good friend is in her late 50s and has never saved for retirement and I'm very concerned for her. When I asked her what she's contributing to her 401K at her new job for the year, she said, "I don't know, like $1,000?" I am so worried for her that she doesn't even know how hard she's needing to save right now and I need a very easy to understand, appealing form of media to help her understand how deep of shit she's in if she doesn't save. She seems to want to start saving, but doesn't understand how 401Ks work or anything like that at all. She's an artist and not a math person. A lot of the MMM articles are too complicated for her to start with, I think, so I'm looking for something else.