The $117k is not coming back, so the remaining two things matter:
1) Not losing the next $117k.
2) Learning knowledge about yourself that will be protective in other decision domains.
In reality, these two objectives are hand-in-hand. The only way to accomplish #1 is by accomplishing #2.
My point is, there is a very real risk that without self-knowledge, you could turn out like some people who would take this experience as a simple lesson that they should have been gambling on social media stocks instead of energy/biotech stocks, or options instead of shares, or buying antique cars or art for appreciation, or trading with stop limits, or whatever alternative way to do the same underlying behavior. Self-knowledge will inform you of why you seek these things in the first place, when index buy-and-hold is the proven path to wealth. Similarly, what could this teach you about your work, your relationships, your history, or your plans?
You have courage going for you. Yes, courage led to your bold bets, but it also led to you publicly admit your error and seek counsel - something many people in your shoes could never do. Now you must point that courage inward, and let the learning process take you wherever it takes you.