1) Roughly $100 spending and $100 giving in my wallet. Wife has about the same.
- if we save up we might have more.
2) Another $100+ in the car glove-box in-case we ever need a tow that only accepts cash.
3) We spend cash, so we also have 1 month expenses in cash each month. $2.5k
- Looks something like this.
4) ~2 months expenses in Checking account. ~$5k
- So we never think about when a check clears or when we get paid. Just put all the bills and checks on auto-deposit/pay. Zero worry.
5) 6 month emergency expenses. $12k This is based off of a cut down minimal budget.
- if we both lost our jobs at the same time, we survive on this while we figure things out.
6) Expense account at on-line back. ~$2k To cover school/business expenses separately from our personal account.
- scholarship & expense checks go here.
- School/business expenses come out of here.
This all totals to roughly 20k. Maybe a little more.