I recently joined a new company that has unfortunately chosen American Funds as their primary fund option. While the funds arent necessarily bad funds, the fees are known to be high, particularly in comparison to Vanguard and others. The dilemma Im facing is not whether to contribute, but specifically which funds to choose from the list below. The list includes the fund name and the respective annual gross operating expense, expressed as a percentage Note that Im 38 and trying to play a bit of catch up, and that Im comfortable with an aggressive approach. Ill be contributing to the maximum allowed ($18k).
AF American Balanced Fund 0.59%
AF EuroPacific Growth Fund 0.83%
AF Fundamental Investors 0.61% (S&P 500 Index)
AF Growth Fund of America 0.65% (S&P 500 Index)
AF Income Fund of America 0.55%
AF New Perspective Fund 0.75%
AF New World Fund 1.04%
Hotchkis & Wiley Value Opportunities Fund 1.22% (S&P 500 Index)
Invesco Diversified Dividend Fund 0.85% (S&P 500 Index)
Janus Triton Fund 1.15%
JPMorgan Government Bond Fund 1.12%
PIMCO Total Return Fund 0.85%
Principal MidCap Fund 1.00%
Templeton Global Bond Fund 0.91%