While I am intrigued enough that I am on the list and not going to remove myself( The amount I am planning on putting in is insignificant so if it's lost, meh.), I DO find it concerning that Robinhood didn't do ANY homework before making this announcement.
You know like call up the SIPC and ask the simple question of "Yo, if we do Checking and savings you got us covered?" The answer to that (which would have been/is no) probably would have made it look LESS like Robinhood has egg on it's face and made them actually figure out IF they can make this work. As of right now, I would say it's 1000% up in the air if as to if this is a good idea or not.
I suppose only time will tell if they actually pull this off, and IF they can get FDIC to actually back them, who knows, they might actually take on the "Big Bad Banks"!