Accountants are often (usually) better advisers than the used car salesmen dressed up as "financial advisers". However, the question was about the pros and cons of financial advisers (in which I include accountants), and pretty much everyone had been giving cons.
I have dealt with several accountants over the years, and each has been OK at giving financial advice.
I have dealt with more financial advisers over the years, and some (like the people last year who gave my parents advice) actually should be reported and drummed out of business. My parents asked for advice to achieve certain goals, and the advice they were given would have achieved NONE of the goals, would have put them in a worse position, and cost them more. And these people had been recommended to them!
In Australia, there have been some huge cases which have implicated just about every major group of "financial advisers" - including the financial arm of every major bank. There have been changes to laws, which have been dictated by the banks, so the changes are actually making the situation worse.
Mustashians don't really need "financial managers" - people to manage their money. Rather, they need "financial advisers" - people who they can bounce ideas off, who will give them options, and who will listen and ask relevant questions, especially since ER does mean the rules are a bit different. Unfortunately, most "financial managers" are titled Financial Adviser, and most "financial advisers" are titled "Accountant".