You're arguing with someone who is citing the last 10-15 years as reasons for investing strategy in multiple threads on here. Also someone trading gme options I'm not sure it's worth the effort.
The other thread was related to crypto. Do you see anything about crypto in that post? Or just character attacks? That's what I meant by attacking.
And I did not tell people to invest based on 10-15 years of investing strategy, so go ahead and quote me on that. What I said is that value investing takes too long to break even, and is not for me. If you instead said "how can most people not wait 20 years for small/value to do well?", you would get a different reaction.
What you said above was it lost to VTI by 4% over 15 years and sited that as your reason for moving.
That's false, and again I asked you to quote me, which you didn't. Because you made that sentence up from separate things I said. I said I gave up on small/value. Then we discussed pros/cons of momentum versus small/value, and I brought up that small/value has underperformed for 15 years. Two separate comments.
So are you going to find the quote, or admit you made something up about me? You also posted that lie in another thread, so if you're wrong - maybe you should admit to it there, as well.
Even above in this thread your intentionally ignore sections of returns that contradict your view and site 10-15 year timelines.
Oh, you know my intentions, now? Can you quote where I said I "intentionally ignore sections of returns that contradict my view"? Because I don't see how you would know my intentions, so again, this is a lie. Good luck proving my intentions by quoting me.
You've done it else where. You also discuss trading gme options and being relieved.
Why can't you stick to a topic? In crypto, you talk about GME options, and here you do it again. This is a character attack, not an attack on the merits. I could say you foolishly invested in GME shares as well, leaving out the fact you bought it in an index fund. Just as you've left out any context for my GME speculation - not that it was ever relevant in any of the threads where you brought it up. If you don't care about attacking me, why do you bring this up over and over?
Your original post of this thread has you jumping from one investment strategy to another. All while getting out of gme options in another thread and being relieved.
I'm not here to win battles. I'm here to state why I think options other than VTSAX and forget it are better and provide consistent data that backs it up.
Then why attack me about "gme options" if you are "not here to win battles"? You don't think that's an underhanded tactic? How is talking about GME options relevant to a discussion about investment factors? It's not, but you're desperate to win by any means you can, so you attack my character instead of arguing on the merits.
Branching out of VTSAX is already counter culture to the forums and you're all over the place with your investment strategies. Which directly contradicts the basic rule of investing. Which is pick something and stick to it.
How is your small/value tilt not "branching out of VTSAX"? You're accusing me of something which you yourself have done, which makes you look like a hypocrite.
You've also cited returns of qqq recently as reason to think it would continue in a thread where someone is suggesting they may move from tsm to qqq.
Can you ever stick to a topic? Did I also say to limit active investments to 10-20% of their portfolio?
And also, stop making claims like this and quote me! If you read it, you can quote it from the forum - you don't have to rely on distorting what I said by how you remembered it. Earlier in this thread, you did something similar - you conflated two things into one false statement.
So what I've seen so far is
1. Per your post here invested in scv it lost for a few years now I'm in momentum
Did I say "a few years", or are you lying again? Quote me, and I won't have to catch you every time you distort something I said.
2. I traded gme options now I'm out may get back in but I'm relieved to be out. Maybe you should explore the relief feeling more. Consistent long term strategies where we aren't chasing shiny objects work better. See the why women are better investors than men article.
Actually what works better is timing the bottom of the 2020 March crash within 2%, which I did. I posted about it on a thread here. Moving over 1/4th of my investments into equities the Friday before the Monday bottom (2020-Mar-23). When I do something active that works well, you won't comment on it. But if you see anything odd that I did, that's all you can post about - regardless if it's relevant to the topic.
3. Defending the future of crypto another bright shiny object.
Another lie - quote me on this. And again, not that it's relevant in a thread comparing momentum vs small/value - if you care about the topic, why don't you ever post about the topic? Are you going to attack everyone who posts here?
What I have said is that Bitcoin is speculative. In the future Bitcoin might do something novel and useful and be more valuable, or it might crash to zero. If you want to find someone "defending the future of crypto", I'm a poor choice for it. And again, you can quote me if you have a point to make here.
4. QQQ has been killing it for xx years so its pretty easy to see how that trend could continue.
Please quote where I said "QQQ has been killing it", because that's another distortion of something I said. What I said is harder to recognize when you distort it like this. So quote me, and we can discuss what I actually said.
None of these are attacks on you personally. I'm just stating things you've said across multiple threads here. Which is also why this thread is unlikely to gain much traction. It's like bright shiny objects everywhere.
I posted about momentum, and you attacked things I said elsewhere. How is that not a personal attack? Why did you tell people to ignore me in another thread? I've brought this up repeatedly, and you have not replied. How is that not a personal attack?
Honestly what will you do when momentum loses for a decade or more it's a serious question you should be asking and contemplating on. Can I do this forever?
As I posted earlier, momentum beats the market roughly 4 out of every 5 years. Do you have evidence of momentum losing for a decade?
And again, why is this about what I do? That makes it a personal matter. What I'm bringing up is momentum the investment factor. You seem to take every single thing and make it about me, personally. Which is why I say you're making personal attacks... you keep attacking me, and not discussing momentum.