I'm sure you would find plenty of good feedback on the UK specific ("tax" but really "main") forum.
Personally I would not rush to whack all your money into the market.
- Max out your annual allowance pension this year, including making use of all possible carry forward from the previous 3 years, except if you are already at a stage where it looks like you're well on course to hit the lifetime allowance. Do likewise for spouse if applicable.
- Fill out ISA allowance. Do likewise for spouse if application.
- Fill out children's JSIPP and/or JISA allowances if applicable and you plan to provide any sort of nestegg for them
This might take between 4-8 years depending on if you have spouse/children, but if you are desperate to have your money working for you sooner rather than later you can buy in regular taxable accounts in the sort of amounts that would be unlikely to trigger the CGT 11k limit. you'll have to figure that out based on varying projected rates of return and how long it is invested for, but it would be possible to have a plan that has your money working in a taxable account which you can cash out a few years later without triggering CGT and then continue moving that money into an SIPP/ISA
But I would do a lot of thinking also about how fast you want to put the cash to work and how long you want to spread your buying period out over... and crucially also about asset allocation.. from which you may well want to leave chunk of it in cash. You can also as part of a diversified strategy buy gold/silver coins from the Royal mint (sovereigns, Britannias, Queens' Beasts), from which any gains are CGT except (silver is not VAT exempt, but there are ways around that).