Author Topic: Empower  (Read 660 times)


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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« on: October 27, 2022, 03:43:33 PM »
This post is entirely dedicated to complaining about my company's back-door ROTH IRA with Empower. Yes, I feel both luck to have the option and the money to do it. I feel like royalty complaining that there is a pen in the wrong place on a desk.

I receive a paycheck every 2 weeks, on Friday.

On Monday I call empower and have to, over the phone, ask to transfer the money from my post-tax 401k to the empower account I opened for this purpose. For awhile I could move the money to my etrade account for free but Empower wisened up and started charging $50 each time, so I opened an empower acct so the fund transfer would be free. Surprise, a $35 maintenance fee showed up this month, hopefully that's annually but I'll follow up and ask because I'm on the phone with a real live person every two weeks.

Then I wait a few days for the money to land in my account before I can invest it, where it will grow tax-free. I have to compute the stock/bond cost and what percentage by hand, and make the trades.

This whole process takes so much mental energy to remember to do and to call/log-on etc. It's usually a week before the money is safely invested.

I wish I got paid and wah-lah pressed a button and it was all taken care of.

Okay, thanks for listening!


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Re: Empower
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2022, 07:29:16 PM »
Why can't you call every month or two, and convert the past few paychecks all at once?


Wow, a phone plan for fifteen bucks!