Hey everyone, long time listener first time caller.
I've been considering how I want to allocate my early retirement fund going forward. Currently I take advantage of my 401k up to the maximum employer match and that's it, the rest of my investing is done into Vanguard funds using after-tax dollars. For my projections I am assuming standard market indexes for both accounts, with expected real returns of 7%
Recently I've been thinking that maxing out the 401k with pre-tax dollars and allowing those dollars to compound for about 15-20 years would be a better course of action, even if I have to pay a 10% penalty on the back end. I am planning on being in a much lower tax bracket (0-15%) in retirement than I am now (28%)
A couple questions
1) Is it correct that the 401k is taxed on the full distribution amount whereas the Vanguard account is taxed only on the gain?
2) What are the tax bracket limits for investment income for a 401k and for a normal brokerage account? Are they the same?
Any other insight into this tax-advantaged vs. standard investment account decision would be appreciated!